Children’s Ministry

King’s Kids  is a safe and welcoming place where children  learn about Jesus, build community as part of a larger church body, and rest in the knowledge that we’re loved unconditionally. Here, children learn God loves them and draws them closer to Him through Jesus. We want each child to love Jesus as their Savior and know that their salvation can only come through Him. Our goal is to come alongside parents to build a foundation for children to continually grow in their faith and always trust in God’s promises.

Teens’ Ministry

Encounter’s Youth Ministry comes alongside parents of 7th–12th graders to encourage teens to pursue a closer relationship with God, address tough questions about their faith, and discuss the life choices that they face everyday. We’re an active group of adult mentors and teens who build relationships and love hanging out with one another. We dig deep into what the Bible teaches and discuss how to apply those lessons to our lives.

Young Adult Ministry

Encounter Life Young Adults is a place for young adults, ages 18-30, can come to find community and support during this pivotal time of life. We gather every Friday Night at 7 pm

Men’s Ministry

Our desire is for men to enhance their relationship with God through worship,prayer, teaching and fellowship, and to help strengthen the relationships among each other by encouraging acceptance and sharing of burdens in an authentic and safe environment.  The Men’s Ministry strives to create an environment where men are prepared to be effective leaders for Christ by demonstrating integrity in our personal, family, work and community life.

Women’s Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry exists to serve all women of Encounter Life Church, encouraging and equipping them to know, love, and serve Jesus and others. Our  programs and events seek to provide relevant help, based on biblical principles in all areas of  life. There’s a place in our ministry for all women in our church—all ages and backgrounds—and we invite your participation.

© Encounter Life Church

Encounter God’s presence. Discover your purpose. Experience His power!

Call us at 301-894-0800 | Visit us at 2200 Culbera Dr. Hillcrest Heights, MD 20748

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